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Latest Posts Boxes

Carefully crafted elements come together into one amazing design
  • Vaginal Dryness and Painful Sex after Menopause

    Menopause is a stage in a woman’s life after her ovaries stop producing eggs and hormones. It is a natural event, occurring around the age of 50. The ovaries produce the female hormones estrogen and progesterone associated with ovulation. At menopause, there is no further......

  • Why Is Vaginal Cosmetic Surgery So Popular?

    According to surveys conducted by plastic surgery societies, vaginal cosmetic surgery is one of the fastest growing procedure categories. Also, the traffic volume of the Internet search on the topic of vaginal cosmetic surgery has increased tremendously, reflecting the great interest in and the demand......

  • Does Vaginal Cosmetic Surgery Improve Sexual Function?

    I have given talks to plastic and cosmetic surgeons internationally about cosmetic vaginal surgery. A major theme that I have always emphasized is that the vagina is a functional organ, playing a critical part in achieving sexual satisfaction. Therefore, cosmetic vaginal surgery must be more......

  • Is G-Shot for me?

    G-shot is a commonly requested procedure, often reflecting the complaint of decreased sexual satisfaction. G-spot, or formally the Grafenberg spot, usually refers to an area at the anterior (front) vaginal wall, midline about an inch up from the vaginal opening. It is legendary to be......

  • Laser or Thermal Rejuvenation of the Vagina – Do They Work?

    There are two main types of energy devices that are being marketed for non-invasive vaginal rejuvenation. The trend is in response to the surge in popularity of vaginal rejuvenation. Both types of energy devices being marketed are actually extensions from their existing counterparts that have......

  • Advice for coming out of a long-term relationship / divorce.

    Unfortunately, this is a very common request that I have to address for many of my patients over the years as their gynecologist and cosmetic surgeon. The emotional trauma in breaking up is real and painful, frequently causing self-doubt and insecurity. I have found over......